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This is a classic white tea from Yunnan, using the famous white tea varietal of Jinggu Dabai, processed in the traditional method. With lovely herbal and nutty notes, and with sweetness and freshness in the tea soup, our 2020 Jinggu White Tea Dragon Ball has strong flavor and is rich in layers.


Also, you can make an interesting comparison with the same tea of aged version, our 2014 Jinggu White Tea Dragon Ball, to see how this tea changes its features along aging.

2020 Jinggu White Tea Dragon Ball 景谷

SKU: B002D
PriceFrom €8.88
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Out of Stock
  • Weight: each ball approx. 7g


    Harvest: 2020 spring, Dabai, local varietal of Jinggu.


    Origin: Jinggu >> Pu’er >> Yunnan

  • 7g/100ml/100ºC/20-30s.

    The first infusion may take up to 2-3 minutes, once the ball loosens up, you can follow the steeping time as above.

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