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2023 version is now available.

(Updated in junio 2024)


Fo Shou has been one of the bestsellers on our website. It comes from a tea farmer with stable technology, with whom we have stable partnership. All of our Fo Shou collections are from the same plantation/factory, unless otherwise stated.


Unsurprisingly, our Fo Shou of 2022 production has been a triumph again. It has conserved perfectly the lovely features of the varietal through the just right charcoal toasting process as the previous versions have been, with plenty of minerality in the well-balanced energetic liquor and a long-lasting aftertaste in the mouth.

(Updated in April 2023)


Attention: the 200g Pack (2021) is not packed in 8.3g sachets, but in a big hermetic bag.


Fo Shou isn't a native varietal in the Wuyi Mountains, it is originally from Yongchun county in the same province. The name means Buddha's hand, since this varietal has huge leaves, as if they were big palms of Buddha. And for the same reason, we have had to change our usual style of the sachets so as not to break these huge leaves.


It is also known as Xue Li, which means snow pears, due to the typical pear fragrance of this varietal. We offer two options of this tea, both of them come from the same plantation, processed by the same factory, but in different years, one in 2019 and another in 2021. The one of 2021, being fresher and being relatively lower toasted, the iconic pear fragrance is more vivid, especially in the lid of Gaiwan, as well as in the sweetness of the liquor. As for the one of 2019, with 3 years of preservation and a deeper toasting level, it brings a liquor even more balanced.


Yancha is not a tea traditionally used to be "aged", but it is still an interesting game to taste the two options side by side, and to appreciate how the same tea goes changing over time. Especially, when the tea is not kept in a tea store or at home, possibly it may be roasted more times over the years that it stays in the factory.

Fo Shou 佛手

SKU: WY028
PriceFrom €5.88
Sales Tax Included |
  • Origin: Zhengyan zone >> Wuyi >> Fujian


    Harvest: 2023/2022/2021/2019


    Toasting Level:

    2023 = medium

    2022 = medium

    2021 = medium

    2019 = medium high


    Launch Date:

    2023 version - June 5, 2024

    2022 version - April 14, 2023

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