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Together with the British photographer Victor Griffin, we have brought you our first Art Tea item in photography field, Sunflowers, some lovely Ripe / Shou Puerh mini bricks of 2016. Victor's artworks mainly focus on still life, flowers in particular, and the Sunflowers series is a brilliant instance. Besides being a fine art photographer, he is also a respected expert in medical imaging on the cancer front. We feel honored having him as one of our partner artists.


This tea presents an image that exactly matches what the artist tries to deliver in his photos: the warmth, the sweet tranquility, the sunlight of autumn, the quietest voice... and such an image is logically created by several factors of the production and aging process. The moderate matureness of the harvest brings out a sweet and tasty flavor, and contains rich pectins which provide the liquor with an oily texture. The relatively deeper fermentation has created the character of this tea, making it very smooth and with brown sugar notes both in the taste and in the aroma. Six years are not very long time for Puerh aging, but the very proper storage conditions give this tea a clean mouth feel, with no certain unpleasant features that often appear in ripe Puerh, neither earth note, nor humid closet hint etc.


Feast your eyes on the photo series and feast your palate on the tea!

Art Tea: Sunflowers - 2016 Ripe/Shou Puerh

SKU: DP027
19,88 €Price
Sales Tax Included |
  • Weight: approx.100g.

    Each pack contains three tea bricks of 31g-35g.


    Harvest: 2016


    Origin: Jingmai >> Pu’er >> Yunnan

  • 1/4 tea brick (approx. 8g) / 100ml / 100ºC


    Rinse // 40-50s / 8-10s / 5-8s until weakened, then since the 8th or 10th infusion extend the steeping time.

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