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Calligraphy on the front side next to the figure: 菩提本无树 / 明镜亦非台。This is the famous stanza of Huineng, the Sixth Patriarch of Chinese Chan/Zen Buddhism: Bodhi originally has no tree / The mirror has no stand / The Buddha-nature is always clear and pure / Where is there room for dust?


Calligraphy on the back side: 佛本无言 / 茶已入心。The Buddha remains reticence, however, the tea has already into the heart.


Pattern: Zuo Chan (坐禅), Zen meditation.


Both the calligraphy and the pattern are created by the “carving and filling” technique, not painted on the surface.

Zuo Chan - Jianshui Teapot (Zitao) 220ml 坐禅